He says I am a nut case and need help...Well, maybe I do but we do much to help "needy" people around Thanksgiving and Christmas...Maybe I do not want to meet his "needly" people.
Then calls them worthless pieces of glass...well so be it..Many sell well into 4 figures...Not worthless to me.
Anyway here is last Email I got from pigboy661...I would encourage you not to deal with him...just one man's opinion:
lookit there was only 2 ashtarys the round 1 and the one you got, i made a
mistake not changing the picture, or look at the listing after, and thank
you for wineing and crying, also i have had many emails from your post on
casino collectables, one word summms up your life LOSER and you need mental
help NOW, your a nut case, thinking everyones out there trying to rip you
off, 20,000 ashtrays you could have feed a lot of needly people with that
money, instead on worthless pieces of glass, get a life.
Somehow, "You might be a redneck if" comes to mind...I love his spelling errors...
Oh, well, on to the next one.