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The Chip Board Archive 14

For new collectors & old. Here's what happens.....

when chips are sent in a plain envelope. The U.S.P.S. will most likely do a number on them.

In my "UFC" shotgun, i specificlly requested all participants to use a padded mailer. Cost of these mailers are 10 to 15 Free...if you reuse them. The chipper that sent me these is a seasond veteran and should / does know better. Although the chips here have no real monotary value, they're still cool chips. I guess i just don't understand. sad

To any of the other participants who may have received chips in simular condition, i'm sorry and apologize.


PS: In the subject heading above, i didn't mean old as in "like me". vbg I meant old as in "well seasoned". Kinda "like me". rofl

Messages In This Thread

For new collectors & old. Here's what happens.....
Re: For new collectors & old. Here's what happens.
No excuse for that ...
Re: For new collectors & old. Here's what happens.
Re: For new collectors & old. Here's what happens.
I am the guilty party....
You're a good man, John !!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg