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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: How do I get to the Spalsh Bar?

Welcome to the club Scott!
Splashbar - easy to find - it's located at the rear of the Riviera as you come OUT from the convention room area (before you get to the main cage) ...if you have to LOOK for it I'll be surprised! grin Just listen for the loads of laughter intermingled with many "woooooooooo"'s
You might need a boat-load of money...even iced tea is $3 a glass, but most alcoholic drinks are reasonably priced.
Swim? that is depends on how much we drink and how far away your room is! grin
Try to stay at the Riv or at least VERY close by!
Again, Welcome to the club! Woooooooooooooooo! grin

Messages In This Thread

It's official: I am one of you now!
Re: It's official: I am one of you now!
Welcome To a Great Club!
Scott, congratulations and welcome! grin
Re: Welcome, Scott grin grin grin
Awesome Congrats.
Re: Awesome Congrats.
It IS great to be here...Welcome!!!
Welcome, Scott
Re:Welcome,Scott Glad to see new members
Welcome 7195 from 7178
grinWelcome, Scott grin
Re: grinWelcome, Scott grin
Welcome Scott, what do you collect?
Welcome Scott-Try To Make The Convention!
Scott - Welcome aboard! Jim
Welcome Scott!! grin
grin Welcome...
Welcome to the Club, Scott!
Welcome to the club!
Glad to welcome you Scott!
Way to go Scott !!!!!!!! grin
Re: Way to go Scott !!!!!!!! grin
Re: Way to go Scott !!!!!!!! grin
Intros are good Scott!!! welcome
Welcome to the ccgtcc Scott! grin
Welcome to the ccgtcc Scott! grin
Welcome aboard Scott.
Re: It's official: I am one of you now!
How do I get to the Spalsh Bar?
Re: How do I get to the Spalsh Bar?
PS- Water Wings are available! grin
If I visit Vegas at the spur of the moment....
Re: If I visit Vegas at the spur of the moment....
Re: If I visit Vegas at the spur of the moment....
Re: If I visit Vegas at the spur of the moment....
Re: Just allow yourself to become one with....
Re: How do I get to the Spalsh Bar?
rofl rofl Scott, all you need to get there is

Copyright 2022 David Spragg