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The Chip Board Archive 14

Two years ago C. T. Rodgers put
In Response To: Casino Chip Calendar ()

out a very nice chip related calendar. You might ping him and see if he has any left...might be some good ideas in there for you. I'd let you have mine but it'll be good again in 2032, according to the Perpetual Calendar, and I might still be here at 98 like some of the old codgers we have now... vbg, that makes me think. I wonder...
1. what casinos will be like,
2. will Mike still be saving Manatees, grin
3. Andy running ChipBoard contests,
4. will Notre Dame have defeated any west coast football team, vbg
5. how many different personal chips will David have produced,
6. will Gene still be at the Palms,
7. will the ccgtcc Building be over/under 40 stories,
8. will we have the same fine slate of officers,
9. will Steve have stopped whinning,
- - add your own here.

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Casino Chip Calendar
Two years ago C. T. Rodgers put
--add your own here
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I was going to add...

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