Happy to say that the seller of the above mentioned chip has contacted me. To all of you that were following this ordeal let me say thanks again for all of your help and support.
The seller apologized for my stress and explained tha he was confused over this chip himself. He wonders why this chip appears in the two major chip price guides as a LV chip. He was told some time back that the chips were from Canada but had doubts when he saw the chips represented in the price guides as otherwise.
He was very polite and apologetic and quick to resolve the issue. He is leaving me positive feedback on the cancelled transaction. I did the same for him.
I can only say that he appeared to feel very bad about the incident, and had only positive things to say about our club and club members.
He has read the club post about this incident and faults no one for their thoughts and comments. Mr. Takach said he is learning more about the hobby every day and this was a learning expierience for him.
I for one am relieved and satisfied with his resolving this matter and give him the benefit of the doubt.
Cannot thank the members of this board enough for helping me avoid a big loss (to me anyway) on this transaction.