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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: My Best "I don't know squat" story grin

Actually, ths chip has an honored spot on top of my computer and was in my pocket the entire 2005 convention (it keeps me humble).It will be in my pocket this convention too!
And if I ever find the club member that sent me that email - you're a guardian angel! If I can find who you were, I was so freaked out at the situation that I erased his email! Augggghhhhh!

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My Best "I don't know squat" story grin
Re: My Best "I don't know squat" story grin
Re: My Best "I don't know squat" story grin
Re: My Best "I don't know squat" story grin
I truely don't know! .....
Dont think I never got caught out and

Copyright 2022 David Spragg