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The Chip Board Archive 14

Collections loose value...are you kidding!

My collection is both fun, fascinating, and meaningful to me. Yes of course I hope it will retain its value; but here is a good chance it will loose value if casinos are allowed to sell off their old used racks. I have some wonderful adventures and stories, that mean a great deal to me, and hopefully to other chip collectors. Every chip has its won story.

Yet, if you allow all the casinos to start ridding of their used chips, why buy in the first place.Take, for instance, every Nevada chip now being collected. It will have no value, sentimnetal or intrinsic in the future if this practuice was to gather momentum. The market will be flooded, nothing is unique. Its wondeful to have that jewel in the ruff.

Please take a moment and let the State of Washington know that you do not support their legislation. Email or and tell them your against WAC 230-02-412 which allow used banks of chips to Not be notched or destroyed when a casino or card room closes, or switching to a new logo. All chips should be destroyed or notched when a casino or card room closes or changes their chips!

Messages In This Thread

Collections loose value...are you kidding!
We did all this once today!!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Mark are you kidding? You are talking to someone
Re: Mark are you kidding? You are talking to someo
Nevada Regulation
Re: Nevada Regulation
GEEZ. Lord luvaduck grin
Re: GEEZ. Lord luvaduck grin
Re: And They Sold Them On TV
I think they even made it to my corner store grin
I also seem to remember there being one or two
But on a point of accuracy....
** Regulation 12 Link **

Copyright 2022 David Spragg