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The Chip Board Archive 14

I always make a point of talking to Management

-why are all the tables at $10-25 minimum?
-when are you going to bump some down to $5?
-I'm a guest at the Hotel, 10 years of visits; and I'm leaving the property to go find $5 tables!
-You guys are making money at $5 tables! FYI: when I'm winning, I play MUCH higher, but I'll be damned if I start a session at $25 a hand! BUH-BYE!

Also, I've been on craps tables when they try to bump them UP to $10 from $5 - on one memorable occassion, I was able to convince all 10 players to refuse to play unless $5 was maintained - it was.

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Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
Re: Implosion slated for tower at Castaways
I always make a point of talking to Management

Copyright 2022 David Spragg