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The Chip Board Archive 14

Another point of view

As a Washington resident and collector I couldn't disagree more with this idea. What is happening here simply reflects fairness and reality.

First, why should card room owners be stuck with racks of chips they cannot sell if they re-rack or go out of business? These chips have value for collectors and for home games. It strikes me as selfish to suggest that because I have a chip in my collection that is not cancelled or notched, the state should protect me by insuring that others can't have the same. And, be clear, these are common chips that nearly everyone has had in their collections long before they would be available on the market from an owner who re-racks or closes.

Second, it is simply not realistic to expect the state of Washington to police sales of obsolete casino chips, on ebay or on the street. Nor, in my view, should they try--the state gaming commission is chartered to police the industry and protect citizens from illegal activity. Chip buying, selling and collecting hardly qualify as illegal nor do they lead to illegal activity.

This whole issue, i.e what should happen to obsolete chips, deserves some thought and study by our club. I've researched it in several states and there are numerous approaches adopted across the country. I believe that the Washington state approach is both fair and realistic and would urge others who agree, especially Washington residents, to contact the commission by e-mail to to express their support for the new rule.

Messages In This Thread

Need HELP w/ notching of chips in Washington
Re: Need HELP w/ notching of chips in Washington
Re: Need HELP w/ notching of chips in Washington
Good thing I was able to convince ...
Another point of view
Re: Another point of view
Not my collection!
Re: Not my collection!
I agree...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg