Yes. Barracuda Club is my 'local' Too complicated here also I think. It only survived a couple of weeks. I remember I played a couple of hands but could not figure out what was going on There were a couple of other people playing big money but when you consider most of our casino floor spaces are very small, and the table occupies as much room as a craps table, they were losing out on maybe 3 BJ or 3 card poker tables (which (comparitively) rake it in for the casino).
It was after the Gala group took over the casinos from Ladbrokes. I guess they wanted to try some change. They tried a craps table for a short while also but not much interest. If you want to play craps here you go to the Victoria. Last time I did a chip run I found the craps table was at the Gala Tottenham Court Road (formerly Ladbrokes Sporting Club) where it had replaced the Sicbo.