...I didn't include this part with my original post...
You know you're from Massachusetts if ...
* You consider a yellow light as a sign to speed up.
* You know how to pronounce Worcester and Gloucester.
* You know tonic is never called soda, pop or soda pop.
* You compare with friends what Boston was like pre-Big-Dig and post-Big-Dig.
* You've spent a summer hanging out on the Cape.
* You shudder in October when all the tourists come up to clog the roads for foliage season.
* As a kid, there was more than a foot of snow on the ground, and you STILL had to listen to the radio to see if they'd declare it a snow day to cancel school.
* You've had to shovel your car out from snow up over its tires - and you still took it out on the road that same day.
* An April weather warm-up of 60F or more meant it was time for a tshirt.
* You've grilled on your back porch when there was snow on the ground.
* You understand why they call it Taxachusetts.
* You've ever made a run to New Hampshire to get alcohol without sales tax.