With only 3 hours remaining till gametime we now have 28 players. Since no one has picked the Astros in 4, if the pick remains open and the Astros sweep, there will be no winners.
Pick the winner and number of games and also pick the total runs scored in the series.
For example if you think the Astros will win in 7 and the total runs for all 7 games for both teams will be 40, your pick would be "Astros in 7 - 40 Runs"
MUST BE A CLUB MEMBER TO ENTER (Or an associate member)
Each contestant will put up a current $5 chip of thier choice, but it must be in mint condition.
Winner will take all and if several people pick the same winner and game combination, the total runs will be the tiebreaker.
This allows an unlimited number of people to play.
Whos up for the contest?
Please post your pick of Winner, # of Games, and Run total in the subjest line. You must also include an email, name and member number in your post.
Good luck to all,
Doug (R3209)
Astros in 5 Doug Smith 20
Astros in 5 Ron Lammer 38
Astros in 5 Mike Heron 23
Astros in 5 Geri Hempel 22
Astros in 6 Fred Hempel 43
Astros in 6 Dennis Shoop 39
Astros in 6 Michael Hoffman 40
Astros in 6 Travis Lewin 42
Astros in 7 Andy Hughes 28
Astros in 7 Rick Miner 33
Astros in 7 Fred Lamb 35
Astros in 7 Dennis Garnier 31
Sox in 4 Tom M 22
Sox in 5 Joe Pavlik 28
Sox in 5 Steve Perry 38
Sox in 5 Aaron Peacock 32
Sox in 6 Fred DeKeyser 39
Sox in 6 Mark Lighterman 48
Sox in 6 Tom Leggio 38
Sox in 6 Don Logerwell 36
Sox in 6 Brian Cashman 34
Sox in 6 Dan Call 33
Sox in 6 Kenny Francis 21
Sox in 6 Tom Hansen 43
Sox in 7 Nate Pincus 42
Sox in 7 Rick Moore 52
Sox in 7 Jim Green 53
Sox in 7 Doc Gross 45