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The Chip Board Archive 02

Is this Wrong?

I got this email today:

Hi Pete,
Just a warning that I was contacted by one of my 2nd place bidders
asking me if I would drop the shipping price of my Rod Y2k since you had
offered them the chip as such. This practice is forbidden by ebay. You
may not mention any item or price in a email to any bidder that you do
not have a direct transaction with. The only email you can send to a
bidder of sale you are not involved in is to ask them if they would like
to join a email list of similar items. I would ask you refrain from this
type of emails to my bidders if not I will a no recourse but to contact
Bennie Mancino

Here is My REPLY:

I emailed the 2nd place bidder AFTER the auction was over.
What does that have to do with you?
He was NOT the high bidder.

Are you telling me you went back to the 2nd bidder and offered the item to
This practice is forbidden by ebay.
I would ask you refrain from this
kind of activity or I will have no recourse but to contact
Pete Rizzo

Can someone explain what is right or wrong here?

Messages In This Thread

Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Re: Is this Wrong?
Thanks Guys!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg