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The Chip Board Archive 13

Stu, go up a post or so to the one...

about the new club jacket arriving. That picture was taken at noon today in La Quinta, CA and the temp was 100º+/-. We have sun... grin

Nice turtle and there are lots of 'em around here in the desert. They're smart, they won't be out in the sun for another month or so when it gets down to 85º+/-. vbg

Messages In This Thread

NCR - Have you seen the #*&% Sun?
Re: NCR - Have you seen the #*&% Sun?
Same here in Baltimore
Re: NCR - Have you seen the #*&% Sun?
Re: NCR - Have you seen the #*&% Sun?
Sunny in San Diego ........
Re: Sunny in San Diego ........
Stu, go up a post or so to the one...
sad Same in Massachusetts...
Arcadia is 90 today, cooler tomorrow ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg