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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Why don't you get the other 50% to join ? grin

Ive asked many and seen a lot listed in the club mag as 'referrer - club site' that I may have been responsible for but I never bother asking people to use my name on the form. A lot seem to feel there is no point them being involved if they cant 'actively participate'.

Just for info, and I know this as I was looking up some things this morning, the geographic breakdown of the mailing list is approx as follows:

US - 1270
Canada - 30
South America - 4
UK - 340
Other Europe - 227
Australia - 13
Far East - 8
South Africa - 3

Messages In This Thread

True Value of Platinum Collection?
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?
WOW...! That's a lot of postage. grin
Luckily all are on email.
Why don't you get the other 50% to join ? grin
Re: Why don't you get the other 50% to join ? grin
I notice there are more from Eastern Europe than W
Re: I notice there are more from Eastern Europe th
Re: I notice there are more from Eastern Europe th
Re: True Value of Platinum Collection?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg