Thanks, of course, to Debbie Meister for the outstanding job and also for putting up with me.
I currently have personals from the following, and I'll get getting mine in the mail to you ASAP:
Allan Myers
Andy Hughes
Barry Hauptman
Brian Cashman
Chuck Smorse
David Hench
David Spragg
Dennis Shoop
Dick Bartley
Doug Smith
Gene Trimble
Kate Smith
Marc Shapiro
Mike Downey
Mike Quinlivan
Phyllis Spagnola
Roy Baldwin
Steve Bedo
I may be e-mailing some of you above for your addresses. Also, if I'm going to be seeing you this weekend (Marc, Steve, Q), I'll just be bringing them with me.
For everyone else, if you wanna trade, e-mail me your address and I'll get one right out to you!