... eBay auctions:
John B. may be right that's he laughing at us, but he probably shouldn't be. There have been a lot of opinions expressed, some of which have either directly or indirectly vilified this guy for excessive use of the word "rare" in his eBay auctions.
And what exactly are the FACTS in that regard. Well, it seems like we all kinda lost sight of that minor detail. So, just to see, I looked up all 47 current casino chip/token auctions being offered by Dean Clark (vegasclarks@lvcm.com). Here's what I found:
Chips described as:
Cool --------------------------- 2
Totally Cool ------------------- 1
Really nice -------------------- 1
Beautiful ---------------------- 4
Beautiful obsolete ------------- 1
Awesome ------------------------ 1
Mint --------------------------- 2
Uncirculated Mint -------------- 8
Old 1940 ----------------------- 2
Old Obsolete ------------------- 5
Now Gone Casino ---------------- 2
Tough to Find ------------------ 2
Rare (!!!) --------------------- 1
No characterization at all ---- 15
Total ------------------------- 47
Is this the guy who is "defining everything one sells as �rare,� including things currently on the tables, old but plentiful, becoming obsolete in the past few years -- and currently sold by many dealers for several dollars-- and being informed repeatedly of these misrepresentations by knowledgeable collectors"?
One of the chips he calls "old obsolete" (and is also in mint condition) has a starting bid of $9.99, even though TCR calls it an H value ($30-39) chip and Campiglia/Wells values it at $25-50-75. Is this how he's "reeming" newbies?
Looks to me like some of the posts concerning, directly or indirectly, this seller made rather casual use of the truth. Maybe even misrepresented the true state of facts. Maybe it's time for some people to face the FACTS and climb down off their self-righteous high horses.
BTW, though I have bought some chips from Dean, I don't know him personally, have never, to my knowledge, met him, and have no interest in this whole mess except seeing that if he is going to be vilified here, there is some reasonable basis for the vilification. ----- jim o\-S