Nearly all of the info you have printed is subject to change (not all, but most). I would also suggest recording the date of the info, i.e., when you create the card and then when you up-date it later.
I would also put the information to face outward, not inward. I do not know how you file the flips, but if they are in a 20 pocket page, then you will be reluctant to pull the flip from the pocket just to read the card. If you file in a box, you will find that you won't want have to use two hands to get to the data. When you do it two hands, then you loss your place and will have to re-file. If the data faces outward, you can thumb through the chips, find the one you want and lift it most of the way out of the box and flip it over with one hand and read the info while holding your place with your fingers of the inverted flip (Yes, this means having the data face outward and be upside down.
I file my chips, alphabetically in flips and then in boxes, but I have given up on using the little white cards. Too much maintenance!
I suggest (if you are going to use the flips) that you methodically keep them filed in alphabetical order and keep an excellent electronic database with a scan of each chip.
Jim Follis