I would think that the Palms would consider it a great honor to have four of their chips up for COTY. It would cause many people to take notice of the Palms, and possibly get them to start a Palms chip collection. Not to mention getting other casinos to step up to the plate, and design better looking chips.
Personally, I look at the design of the chip, and not which casino it came from to determine my vote. If I would have voted for a Palms chip, it would have been the one you like. Fact is, that even with 40% of of the chips, the majority of those who voted felt that the HR Friday the 13th chip deserved the honor this year.
I totally respect your opinion as well. I wouldn't want it to turn into an annual "Palms COTY" contest, but I think the idea was to select the ten chips released in that year that people thought were worthy of COTY. The top ten chips, not the top ten casinos. Win or lose they were all very nice looking chips.
Just my two cents,
Glenn, WI