Maybe its time that someone said what a lot of us are thinking.
I fully support the idea that people should collect what they enjjoy collecting.
That being said, I do not like these personal chips that are produced for the sole purpose of trading. These chips are not produced for gaming purposes and I have no interest in collecting them, I no that many people share this view (again this should not be taken to suggest that there is anything wrong with other people liking these chips.) I consider a chip set made for actual use even if in a home game to be different from these personal souvenior chips. A
What I do not understand is why people continue to press for the inclusion of these personal chips in CC>CC activities, such as exhibits at the convention and a club competition for best personal chip. These are no Casino Chips or Gaming Tokens, and even though the club has expanded its focus to Slot Cards Room Keys from casinos and many of us might display postcards of gaming sites, these personal chips are no more related to gaming than are postage stamps.
Certainly personal chips can make a nice business card for somone who is in a chip business.