it looks obvious to me that members are going GAGA over these personal chips, and that the Club would benefit greatly from including them in the general OTY contest. I realize they aren't from casinos; but personal chips are from collectors, for collectors & are traded between collectors - just like casino chips.
It would seem an easy proposition to add one category to the OTY contest: PCOTY (personal chip of the year). You bring up a backward looking time constraint - and I agree: it would also be good for the OTY contest to "catch-up" with past personal chips, and have a Hall-of-Fame category for past chips. I have no experience working for the OTY awards, or knowing how much work is entailed, but I would think mimicing the normal OTY nominating process would be the easiest way of expanding the OTY awards to include personal chips. I'm a member of the CC>CC, and would greatly welcome this addition to the OTY awards...
Lastly, I'd like to reiterate my long-standing belief that for the OTY awards, only one chip (the chip with the most votes) be allowed in a single category, from a particular casino - as having more than one great chip from a particular casino makes it much harder for one of them to win; ie. it penalizes a property that has exceptional chips! (somewhat contrary to the general purposes of the contest; aren't we trying to reward those casinos that put out great chips?).
-I'll post this on the Club BB as well...