I've removed tape residue from many chips. I remove gunk, dirt and grime on a regular basis also. I don't think many people will argue that in most cases that does no harm.
Here is one that should bring me some grief. About 8 years ago I bought several, maybe 10 or so, .50 chips from Casino Rock Island. The catalog number for these is CG02738. They had been hotstamp cancelled and the person that tried to remove the hot stamps had let the solvent stay on so long that the edges of the inlays became unstuck. I glued them back down. Let me repeat that, I glued them back down. Not only did I glue them down, but I sold them without telling anyone what I had done. I didn't intentionally hide the fact, I just didn't think it made any difference. In fact, I still don't. I think I might have gotten a buck or two each for these chips. Anyone who bought them from me is welcome to return them for a refund if they'd like.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with some minor repairs being made to some chips. For example, I don't think there is anything wrong with gluing an inlay back down if it has come loose. It wasn't something done on purpose to cancel the chip so why not fix it. I also don't have a problem with someone taking a warp out of a chip. More power to them if they are able. I wouldn't agree with someone filling a hole or replacing a missing inlay.
Just my opinion.