Party A: Finds a scarce chip in a dealers junk box but its drilled. Wants to improve it.
Party B: Sees the chip Party A has and says 'I know a man that can fix that' Not wanting to be directly 'traceable' he calls his friend C
Party C: Regularly deals with a person capable of fixing such chips (D) and submits the chip to him to be fixed
Party D; Fixes the chip for C and returns it. Does not acccept a specific cash payment but agrees to 'sort it out amongst ongoing business'
C now returns the chip to B who pays him a few $$ for the trouble. B returns it to A who similarly reimburses him.
Party E: Sees the fixed chip, knows its probably fixed but offers A a fair price for it. A accepts. Then E sells the chip to F saying 'I dont know whether its been fixed or not'
Party F: Advertises and sells the chip for a high $$ price with 'genuine' disclosure.
Party G: Buys the chip from F, has it Xrayed and discovers its been fixed.
All have obviously been involved in a fraud. You be the jury. Which parties are guilty of committing fraud?
For the bonus prize, post the names of parties A to G here