Sounds kind of cumbersome John, especially considering some of the grubby twerpery that goes on over 64¢ postage and buck thirty insurance fees. Some of us may actually like sifting through the weekend's pile of posts where the agrieved party tells us half of his half of the story followed by sharp cross and pointless anecdotes. Gradually, as the story gains texture, shading, the setting gels and character studies sharpen we find dealing with either side would require a ten-foot pole. A ten-foot plastic pole at that! How can we surpass the moment when the accused, a self-nicknamed gnome, reveals himself to the board and points out that the accusation has made him expell Jim Beam though his nose upon the children he was watching! "Well, I would'a said it was "slightly used" instead of "almost used but not" but I had to drive a school bus full of the toothless down to vote for the incumbent mayor, so there!"
Seriously, we once had here a link to a rare book collecting society's code of ethics that addressed a lot of common collecting/trading/buy/selling problems. I suggested that we might want to look at it as an example for our own code. Got a blubbering response that implied that our way was the best that mankind had ever imagined...
Geez, just make some friends and have fun folks.