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The Chip Board Archive 13
Going with Norm on this. Give them hell Katie!
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Let me set the record straight....
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Let me set the record straight....
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Katie, it obviously was not meant for me, so...
Re: Katie, it obviously was not meant for me, so..
Good post Katie and most of us who
I need to set the record straight too!
She Just Won't Allow It
It might take 10 of you....
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Geez... I never was popular enough to have...
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Re: Good post Katie ...
Re: Give them Hell Katie
Re: Well said....
Re: Boys Will Be Boys..
Gene, You Said It Best
Re: Boys Will Be Boys..
Re: Boys Will Be Boys..I Think..
I'm shocked and sorry to hear...
Katie is a friend of mine
I am in total agreement!
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Well said, Jay! And I'll add that...
What he said.
Katie...sorry that you've had to endure any
Re:well said Katie!....
Re: Let me set the record straight....
I need to set the record straight too!
What Katie said...
I may be old and partly crippled, but
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Re: Let me set the record straight....
Going with Norm on this. Give them hell Katie!
Re: Katie, I just saw this thread...
I apologige for referring to a fellow club member
Okay, Hanover...
Pass the slop.
Hey, Now I am offended.......
Darn, this makes the convention sound dull?
You mean to tell me that women are allowed to
I didn't know you smoked cigars!
Katie, just got back to town and...
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