small editions, frequent changes = FUN!
I think personal chips are really going to be a fun part of the hobby, for a long time. It's VERY possible that in 30 years, many of these chips will be highly prized and extremely valuable. Just like with a casino issue, it's really important to put the # in the run on the chip - currently most people have runs of 100/300, but most aren't putting that on the chip! Some folks have done second printings, but few have gone out with no updates... EG: Bedo has (or is about to have) a new version with his LM added... appropriate, but now I need his new one!
Although people collect what they want, I personally feel the advertising (business card)-themed chips won't be as collectible. The ones that I think will be prized, are the ones that just celebrate what the member loves! Give me a ghoulish Halloween chip from Debby Meister, or a parrot chip from Lin Weisenstein (also a Debby) any day! RIGHT-UP THERE WITH A RARE VEGAS STRIP ISSUE, FOR SHEER FUN & COLLECTING VALUE!!!
I'm REALLY looking forward to doing my personal chip(s), and they are going to be extraordinarily unique- since I just started my new job, it's going to take me a while to get them out, but stay tuned!