Gene...Gene... Gene... What am I going to do with you?
Your age is a measure of how many years you have been alive. The calendar is a system of counting days months and years.
Humor me Gene. Take your ruler out of your desk drawer and put it on a blank piece of paper. Take your pencil and put it next to the 0 mark on your ruler. Now dragging it along the ruler's edge, pause at the half inch mark. You now have a line that is less than one inch long. It ends in the middle of the first inch of the ruler. Now continue to the 3 and a half inch point. Now make perpendicular tic marks at the 0, 1, 2, and 3 inch points. Put the ruler away. We've measured three and one half inches. Wasn't that fun? Now let's count. Which inch is the first inch you drew? Do you count that as inch #1 or inch #0? The whole inch is inch number one. It doesn't matter which end the "0" tic is at or the "1" tick is at. How many complete inches did you draw? How does the counting of inches correlate to the measuring of inches? Remember, the first inch was not complete until the pencil passed the one inch mark and you started drawing your second inch. At that moment, your line was one inch long.
Forgetting the irrelevant complication of leap years, let's contemplate that moment when a child becomes one year old. 365 full days have passed since his birth. He has been alive for one year. Not zero years. To count the year, you count "one" not "zero". The year he has already been alive was his first year, not his zeroth year. The year that he spent being less than one full year old.
Answer me this. Are you going to let him come into the Fiesta and play Keno once he begins his 21st year, or only after he has lived a full 21 years?