There have been several auctions for the die-car mold Silver Slipper chips that have now been (as far as I’m concerned) authoritatively attributed as the seller states…
This Casino was located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and was only operational during its 1967 Annual Summer Exposition which was open for 7 days
Chip has Dice & Cards Mold (DIECARD - Bud Jones Co) on both sides
Chip shows SILVER SLIPPER $ 1 on both sides”
“You are bidding on a $ 1 chip from Alberta's First Casino which opened in 1967 in Edmonton
The auction later states this…
“Industry sources say this chip was also used at the SILVER SLIPPER CASINO in LAS VEGAS, NEVADA.”
Now, I think it’s clear as crystal that this is a Canadian chip (as I’d heard all along), but my question is this… is it within the realm of possibility that a Las Vegas casino could have put on the tables denominated chips that had previously been used in a Canadian casino? The only instance that I can think of with this type of thing happening with a Nevada casino was the Nevada Lodge using non-denominated “CC” plain mold chips from the Chesterfield Club, but this would have take place at least twenty years before