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The Chip Board Archive 13

European-Style Bathing = Topless Bathing

Caesars Palace has had European-Style bathing for a few of years now.

Let me point out that it isn't the 20 year old "hard body" crowd that you see there.....more like the 40 - 50 something crowd that you see at the pool at the European-Style Bathing Area (or they were 20-something with the skin of a 50 - 60 year old).

Last time I was at the Caesars Palace Pool, there was a 350 lb guy in a Speedo - Not a pretty site.

Messages In This Thread

Any NUDIES in the Club? - WOW!
Re: Any NUDIES in the Club? - WOW!
European-Style Bathing = Topless Bathing
Re: Any NUDIES in the Club? - WOW!
Re: Topless Bathing Allowed At...
Stupid thing with Topless Bathing & Caesars Palace
Re: Stupid thing with Topless Bathing & Caesars Pa
Re: Stupid thing with Topless Bathing & Caesars Pa
Jim, take a right on Desert Inn Blvd after leaving

Copyright 2022 David Spragg