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The Chip Board Archive 13

It wasn't so bad Wayne......

Well, I'm sure glad your on the good guys side. That resume was ok to point out I guess. It seems your just getting frustrated by him still showing up in here peddling his wares and never changing his M.O....but your doing a good job of alerting everyone anytime he does make a post, with your Porno and Scam alerts...I like that and eventually any transactions he is lucky enough to get will dry up...I personally thank you and anyone else who makes a point of telling us all about the bad guys. TOMS post under WONDERING ABOUT THIS GUY (I was the one wondering btw) was great and well said...thank you and all for the heads up.

Messages In This Thread

NCR: Vic Galante's CV, a "Must Read"
Re: Wayne
I am afraid I would have to agree with Norm
Sorry Wayne, but I must also agree with Norm...
Re: Sorry Wayne, but I must also agree with Norm..
It wasn't so bad Wayne......
Re: It wasn't so bad Wayne......
Re: Wayne
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