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The Chip Board Archive 13

Chuck Smorse Did this / what a night

Last night we met Barry , Vic and Cindy S, and Chuck for a drink. We talked them all into going to Hogs and Heifers for another drink. What sports!!! Had to hogtie Barry to keep him from dancing on the bar.

We enjoyed the company all great folks. ( We only knew Barry in person before last night )

Chuck brought some nice 5 dollar chips along and sold them to me at face value. He said "Do what you want with them, put them on ebay or use them for traders"

I was shocked because I know how much WORK it is to run around to get those chips.

I have said in the past there is no competition. This is a pat on the back for another who deserves it.

Messages In This Thread

Chuck Smorse Did this / what a night
Re: Chuck Smorse Did this / what a night
Re: Chuck Smorse Always Does This Kind of Thing
Re: Chuck Smorse Always Does This Kind of Thing

Copyright 2022 David Spragg