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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: eBay Encased Harrah's Baccarat $1,000 PMSC

I think it's really from Harrahs, but not a chip ever in play. Probably a promotional gift, but could have been sold in the gift shop. It is in James' latest book with the appropriate notation.

I've seen one that was removed from the acrylic and it was a mess. If you buy it, suggest you leave it where it is.

The current high bidder has seen them before as well [g].

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eBay Encased Harrah's Baccarat $1,000 PMSC
Re: eBay Encased Harrah's Baccarat $1,000 PMSC
Re: eBay Encased Harrah's Baccarat $1,000 PMSC

Copyright 2022 David Spragg