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The Chip Board Archive 13

Small world...Illegal Club and Gangster News!!!

Well talk about a small world!!!

Funny how things unfold.

I have a woman who works for me who lives next to my father and the house I grew up in. While in my office, she noticed the chip display on my wall, and asked about them. I explained my hobby and talked about some of the history of the casinos, and even pointed out the chip from the Hollywood Club. She though it was very interesting to see a chip used in an illegal club run by the Purple Gang.

We got to talking about the Purple Gang, and the colorful mob boss Thomas Licavoli. I even told her about the how one of our fellow chip collectors is his son. Her interest in Toledo's past was very high.

I mentioned to her that I had a hard to find book called "Unholy Toledo" which i brought in and loaned her just last friday.

Now, comes Monday morning. Wanda comes into my office and explained that both her and her mother started taking turns reading it Friday night right after diner and found the book fascinating. She went on to tell me about what a small world it is.

Wanda went on to tell the story that on Saturday morning, she was outside with her young son when a woman on a morning walk strolled by. The woman stopped to talk to her and the conversation went to the house and the "Unholy Toledo" book in her hand. The woman's name was Theresa, and said that she lived just one block away, and that her house was mentioned that very same Unholy Toledo" book! aS IT TURNS OUT...Thomas Licavoli lived there while in Toledo, and that was his hideout! He even had a secret panel which led into a hidden set of basement rooms.

Theresa explained that she had been contacted by a crime syndicate historical writer a year ago, who wanted to come by and see the house and the hidden rooms.

As an added bonus, the woman pointed to the house at the next corner (short block) and said tthat stucco house right there was Licavoli's girlfriend's house!

This area is a very old and very nice section of town called "Old Orchard". It's just a few blocks away from the University Of Toledo.

Wanda (the girl that works for me) said the present owner of the house (theresa) is more then happy to have me come over and see the house.

Cool stuff!

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Small world...Illegal Club and Gangster News!!!
Re: Small world...Illegal Club and Gangster News!!

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