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The Chip Board Archive 13

An Open Letter To "Billy"

I usually do not read this board, but recent events in Greg's health have brought me to read over his shoulder every once in a while. I appriciate all the kind thoughts and words his fellow chip collecting buddies have sent.

I've also noticed that "Billy" spouts hate toward certain people who post here. I don't know why he does so, but I have determined that this person needs help. If billy would like to discuss his issues, Greg & I are willing to pay for your trip to Las Vegas, provide the room for you to stay in and provide all your meals. Please send your real name and address to the email address above so we may book your flight and hotel room. The only thing we'd ask for is a simple explaination of why you carry so much hate for people you have probably never met. This of course would take place in August during the convention, as that is the next time Greg will be there.

I can promise you Billy, that no violence will come to you as Greg is in no condition to give you the ass whooping you so desperatly need.

To all chip collectors who have read this, I thank you for the oportunity to do so. I just needed to get this out.

Thank you for your time,
Brooke Bryson wife of
Greg Bryson

Messages In This Thread

An Open Letter To "Billy"
Bravo Brooke, Bravo..
Amen to that! vbg
Re: Greg's a Lucky Man With a Wife Like You!
Now that is a Heck of a wife!
Re: An Open Letter To "Billy"
grin Very well said...
I think he is local, ie. from Vegas.
I knew I would like you !!!!!!
Re: I knew I would like you !!!!!!
Re: well said Brooke!!
Re: An Open Letter To "Billy"
Re: before or after the Splash Bar vbg
vbg vbg Dennis, how about both? vbg vbg
Re: An Open Letter To "Billy"

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