...take any roulettes! A couple of years ago a casino here in Las Vegas had just changed over to new roulettes. I knew this, but also knew that everyone & their brother were there trying to get them. A couple were even caught.
I happened to be going to another casino & walked through the casino with the new roulettes. I had no intention of playing, plus the fact that it was a Monday afternoon & the place would be empty anyway. As I walked by one roulette table to head over to the other casino I saw that the table was PACKED! So, I decided to play. In no time I had a stack of roulettes in my pocket. Then all of a sudden EVERYONE at the table left!
As it turned out, it was an entire family who was there for a wedding & decided to play for a while. Now I'm all by myself & the suits are double & triple checking the stacks.
They did not see me take any, but they KNEW the color was short. Then they get on the phones & the casino manager (who I had met & who also had watched me play in a BARGE poker tournament a couple of years ago) comes into the pit. He can't get on a phone because they are all in use & takes out his cell phone & starts talking to someone.
So, while they are running around talking I ended up putting the stack back in play in two spins. I also ended up winning on the last spin which was nice. As I push the roulettes in to be colored up the suits all walk over to the table & stand right behind the dealer. The casino manager walks out of the pit & is gone. The suits start talking to the dealer & I hear one say..."Are you sure, count them again"...After a couple of minutes I asked what the stall was. Then the one suit (with a puzzled look on his face) told the dealer to pay me.
When I got home I had a message on my answering machine that said..."What happened? Why didn't you keep them? I of course knew who it was (this person was in charge of the chip program there) & called him back. He said that the casino manager had called him from the pit & said..."guess who is down at the roulette table taking roulettes." He asked who, & the casino manager said Andy Hughes. Then he asked what he was going to do & the casino manager said he was just going to let me keep them. I said how was I suppose to know he was going to let me keep them when everyone was running around with a phone in their hand! Andy - Las Vegas