If there were a quick and easy solution, the problem would have already been solved. Each collector has to take responsibility for their own choices. Some thoughts...
1. Be aware of what's out there. Most of the known repaired chips (that I've heard of) are Nevada chips...especially higher-end obsoletes.
2. Buy from club members, if you find out later that you bought a repaired chip you have some recourse.
3. Carry some statements with you...something like "The (description) chip that I'm selling has not been repaired or altered. If repairs/alterations are found on the chip, I'll give a full refund". If the seller won't sign your statement, don't buy from him/her.
4. Buy chips 'cause you love 'em, buy stocks as an investment.
5. Lighten up and enjoy the hobby...I don't want chips that have had drill holes filled, but if that's the biggest thing I have to worry about, life is pretty darn good!
FWIW, there are some repairs that I don't really object to: re-glued inlays, glued cracks, stain removal...repair of damage that is caused by age or accident. I HATE filled drill holes, removed hot stamp cancellations, and "re-manufactured" brass cores