If your coming into town early, there is an event that happens every year before the Convention's official start that is a blast! You wont find it in any program, bulliten, or website. But I am hear to let the secret out!
The first un-official get-together which brings many chippers together is.......The Set-Up Committee! Here is a chance for you to come out and spend an hour or two with many of your fellow Chippers, and to help out your Club as well. I have done this every year I have attended and each year it is nothing but pure fun. Ya set up some tables while shooting the breeze with your old and new chippin buddies. Its that simple. Now, our Prez has sweetened the pot even more. This years Volunteers are gonna be on the receiving end of something special.
So the secret is out! Come join us! One quick email to Bob will confirm your slot. oldberea@WowWay.com Looking forward to seeing you there!