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The Chip Board Archive 13

Your bidding $7 for a $5 chip!

Your a crazy man! WOW slow down TEX.

Bid on the Corvette set, that is what I'm talk'in about.

The big bucks! Bid on $25 chips, but he does'nt

have the @alls to list those again and pay EBAY

fee's! He is finally learning! List $1 and $5

chips for a few bucks, sure they sell.

Our are you into Walmart girls!


Messages In This Thread

eBay More chips listed eBay
Any 25$ chips for 28?
You BLOCKED me from EBAY?
Hey , Im bidding on an auction!!!
What are you bidding on?
Your bidding $7 for a $5 chip!
You no making sense sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg