There was once the kingdom of Trid near a very large hill that had a giant living on top of it.
The giant would always kick anyone down that would dare to venture to the top of it. Since this was the quickest way to the next village, this had a very bad effect on trade.
One day, the king decided to send some of his soldiers up to the top to try and reason with the giant. He picked 10 of his bravest soldiers, and sent them to the top. Soon they were all kicked down, and all but one died. The survivor came back and told the king what happened.
The king was rather ticked off, so he sent 30 of his bravest soldiers and a priest up to the top. Again they all got kicked off, and only one survived.
So the king picked 50 of his best men, and sent along a visiting rabbi from a neighboring kingdom.
They reach the top, and the giant kicks them all down except for the rabbi. The rabbi asks, "Why did you kick them all down, but not me?"
The giant answers:
(scroll down)
"Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids."