I think it started with "Can you post at least one casino a day until your through?" "Sure!", I said.
With that answer, a little project known as the Sale of the Zaslawsky Collection began on December 10, 2004. 1,265 chips later, I am done! I need one of those big, red, Monster House "DONE" stamps!
You know, 1,265 chips relates to 2,530 scans plus cropping, describing, and building 185 webpages. It required 2 to 3 hours a day, seven days a week (except for a couple of breaks) for over four months! Do you feel sorry for me yet? Some folks that know me say it made me cranky and irritable. I don't know what they're talking about!
I invite you all to browse the collection. But do it quickly! One week from today I'll be taking the chips that haven't sold to Arcadia for the Casinorama show and the Zaslawsky Auction. Whatever doesn't sell there will continue to be available on my website.
As for tonight, I think I'm going to have a couple of stiff drinks and kick back for a couple of hours. Then I think I'll make a crank phonecall to Doug Saito and then go toilet paper LeRoy's house. Aaahh, I feel like a CPA on April 16th!