Jeez...another Anna Nichole Smith chip. Must be trying to catch up to The Queen Of Hepatitus for chip count.
Here's a San Remo/Hooters update about the magnet property for those who wear their caps backwards:
Skimming (seems an appropriate word here) the article we find these nuggets:
"Bait Shoppe" sushi bar and the Porch Dogs eatery on the patio which will overlook the pool and its Nipples Pool Bar.
"It will look like a Hooters restaurant on steroids," Hmmm, bring your Sharpies, I guess, sounds like a lot of ball players are gonna be hangin'.
...the company has not finalized the uniform to be worn here and adds, "Don't be surprised if you find orange thongs at the pool." Porn Slappers on the sidewalk in front of this place would only be redundant.
"There will still be a boutique quality at a great location." Ahh, that explains the "Shoppe" spelling at the sushi bar thingie.
"The amount of return will depend on the room rates. What are consumers willing to pay? ... Will consumers see Hooters as a must see destination? Probably not." Translation: Lousy parking garage access for pick-up trucks.
How to make some good cash... buy some IROC Camaros and tow trucks, stretch 'em into limos and sell them to Hooters! Man, after reading about all this I've got to take a shower.