I don't know him personally and I only traded with him once and it was successful. So thats why I defend him. I really don't know any of the rest here who collect either (afew trades and afew buys, thats about it). Lets face it, Vic screwed you over and got away with it. By your point of view he's an A$$hole and worst. By his, he doesn't care bacuse he got away with it. He does his thing, leaves his Post about what chips he's got and leaves (probably doesn't even put a check mark in the box below that somebody answered his post). I know I never do.
Now if he screwed me over I'd be giving you all the facts what a low rat fink he is. Hasn't happened yet with me.
In fact all my trades were successful so far and none were lost in the mail yet.
Maybe the chips got lost in the mail, do you think alot of the postal people are honest? Don't you watch Dateline? I hunt with 3 Postal employee's, from what I hear they hire alot of Temps to work (things disappear). Now if all the chips you bought from Vic disappeared, then something is wrong someplace. I hate to bring up the Italian thing but...I was told never to trust one.
Hope this answered your questions, TV time, Have a Nice Nite and Play nice