which somehow does not appear under my "scan # 3" [post anymore. It was there for a few minutes,but is no longer there.
Here's a copy of the email I recieved.
The following new message has been posted on TheChipBoard at
MESSAGE: (#411644) Genuine Posters always delete their posts .. hmmm
AUTHOR: Capt Banjo
DATE: 4/5/05 10:28 p.m.
Reply To: (#411511) Re: scan # 3
Author: Bruce Konick
Date: 4/5/05 3:01 p.m.
This is an automatically-generated notice. If you'd like to be removed from
the mailing list, please visit TheChipBoard at
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greg@thechipboard.com. If you wish to respond to this message, please post
your response directly to the board. Thank you!