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The Chip Board Archive 12

New online reference publication

First, a big thank you to Jim Follis and his family. They have provided storage space and converted my MSWord documents to .pdf format. Without their assistance this project would not be possible.

An updated version of my 2004 Edition of California Native American Casino Gaming Chips & Tokens is now available for downloading at the link below.

My only request is that if you print a hard copy that you include both the front and back of the cover page. It is the reason behind my endeavor.

As with any reference work it is a work in progress and will be updated. Your comments, additions, corrections or whatever are solicited. Several corrections and additions have already been made to the next version.

Distribute it freely in any format you desire but please include the cover sheet.

If you can not or do not want to download same (11 meg) please contact me via email as I have it on CD but in MSWord format.

Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828
3320 McGraw Street
San Diego, CA 92117-6053

PS Leaving for the Far East and will not return until the end of April.

Messages In This Thread

New online reference publication
Dick, thank you for the kind words...
The link is now up on my web site...
Re: The link is now up on my web site...
Re: The link is now up on my web site...
Dick, et. al., the requests have been extensive...
Well Done ! Lots of work and worth it!
Re: New online reference publication

Copyright 2022 David Spragg