Hey Trav .... Tell us in Public how this works ....
So, you get a compliant and then forward it to the other party and then what ...... ???
Ok, so big deal ... I said a supposed funny post about egg rolls to an asian poster last week .... big damn deal ........ I also asked James for a Pizza that didn't get noticed ..... same big damn deal ......
Arent you supposed to get the answers and then rule on them ????????
You seem to be saying that outside noninterested parties posts and emails seem so have some impact ???? ...... huh ????????
How about your "official" letters and mails and use of Syracuse mail system to Anthony in your official capacity ......... ???
I am curious as to whether you are up to what you have bargained for in this job .....?????
Rule on this right now ....... there is nothing to consider ...... right now .......... right now .......... Hey Judge !!!!!!!!!!!
Are you too Chicken Stuff to Rule NOW ????????