I wish it was all that easy, Travis. I wish that we
as a total group would be able to listen to the
invited with an open mind and not feel we need to
protect ourselves from an unknown reason why
they were suspened. I wish we could be civil
to the point that when we do invite a guest to the
board we do not accuse him of giving us the finger
and then when shown he was not, a public apology was
nonexistent. I wish there wasn't preliminary posts
to this thread with the subject line reading "Three
more bite the dust" and I wish there wasn't a
message that read "The word is it may be shilling."
(What word? Word from where). See what I'm saying
Travis? See why I wish these things Travis?
They're all real things that we as a total group do.
The words we read of "witch hunt" and "shoot down
and ask questions later" are very much in order in
this thread. When we as a group are able to invite
someone to this board, and are able to understand
why they may not care to accept, we should not have
any thoughts or convictions. I wish this bb will
never turn into a courtroom. I feel (at this point)
invitations to this bb may not fully be in order.
All due respect to everyone, of course, as I've only
mentioned facts.