As often is the case on this board, someone is putting words in someone elses mouth.
I never stated that:
A) It's realistic to believe several 1,000 people can get along 100% of the time.
B) I am equating the slabbing threads from a few years ago to the recent racial slurs on the BB.
C) I equate Bigotry to bickering among chip collectors.
My post was not directed at anyone in particualr. You made the assumptions and you made your own conclusions.
Gene, you picked one part out of one sentence out of the entire post to use as a reasoning to take exception. I'm sorry that missed the point of the post.
You and I have had public disgagreements in the past, we're having one now, and we'll have them in the future. No big deal. It's part of being on a bulletin board. It is unfortunate, however, that too often the politics of the board takes away from the nature of the hobby and people end up throwing up there hands and walking away. Some people are here just to argue and "take exceptions". Others want to discuss chips! Had I left these four words - "slabbers versus anti-slabbers" - out of the quote, would you have responded differently?