You nailed my problems with this process, and probably didn't know it. This is the only club procedure open for vote by the entire membership that requires a prerequisite action in order to receive a ballot. Every other full membership vote related issue is automatic in the club members receiving a ballot. Archie decided that this isn't necassary for this matter.
Archie decided. My formal proposal to the BOD was D.O.A., because this is Archie's baby. The last time this was seriously debated, Archie called for formal proposals if someone wanted a change. It's clear that the only compelling reason for keeping things as they are (the SASE option is a move in the right direction) is because Archie wants it that way.
The response to my formal propsal to the BOD concerning this issue was no response from anyone. Archie's proclamation is the first news I've seen since making my proposition months ago.
Like I said, the king has spoken.