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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: So glad you want to share...
In Response To: 1930's Reno memorabilia ()

I'd love to have a couple of them! vbg

Oh, not what you meant? sad sighhhh....

No Snug Bar or Washoe Bar listed in Reno phone books for 1945 or 1950.

1951 & 1952 books list: Washoe Bar...S. Virginia Rd. 2-3900

1955, 1956 & 1957 books list: Washoe Bar...CarsnHwy 2-3932 (and FA2-3932)

next book we have is listing

Found some listings in the 1950's for Donald G. Heidtman, and Mrs. Rose E. Heidtman, and Albert G Heidtman....any of those names do anything for you?

Email me other prop. names if you want me to try to look 'em up...they're a little fuzzy on my screen. Probably won't get to them 'til tomorrow night...gonna be busy cleaning all the slobber off of my keyboard and the recliner ...nice find! grin

Messages In This Thread

1930's Reno memorabilia
Nice Labels Doug
Re: So glad you want to share...
Nice Doug, what are the hours at the Stag Inn?
Re: Nice Doug, what are the hours at the Stag Inn?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg