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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Tony's Club $.25-former Z2
In Response To: Tony's Club $.25-former Z2 ()

Interesting auction, Tom, and it's clear that the seller had no idea what he had. I had seen more of the $25s and $5s from Tony's than I had the 25-centers before this auction. One was in a binder at the convention for $1,200. No more. grin

Here's an early 1950s picture of the south shore of Tahoe that shows where Tony's was - same spot as Dopey Norman's on the left. That's the corner where Harveys is today.

Messages In This Thread

Tony's Club $.25-former Z2
Re: Tony's Club $.25-former Z2
Re: Buyer paid less than $25 each

Copyright 2022 David Spragg